I’m not that much of an Ascetic

For a few years, MossyMonk86 attracted a curious following—a small flock of investment bankers. (They might have been crypto bros, come to think of it — but they dressed like investment bankers.) It was a spectacle to behold: the wildman, barefoot as always, draped in his moth-eaten and threadbare cowl, his brown robe worn thin by years of wandering. His unkempt beard was tangled with twigs and leaves, his hair a wild halo of gray, where all the birds of the air found a place to lay their young—quite the contrast to the well-coiffed dos of his disciples. Yet there they were, flanking him on either side, a half-dozen alpha males, each strutting, impeccably clad in a different shade of Armani, their polished leather shoes clacking on the cobblestones as they struggled to keep pace with their ragged, untamed guru.

One day, he confessed to them—he did not deny it, but confessed plainly—“I’m not that much of an ascetic.”

The men were dismayed: shocked, bewildered, aghast, each wearing an identical look of horror, which—despite their well-orchestrated racial diversity—seemed eerily uniform, as if they had all been sculpted from the same basic mold of piety and success.

“But Father — how can this be?” one of them stammered, voice tinged with desperation. “We see your sleepless nights and your rigorous fasting. We see your long hours of prayer, how you sleep on the ground in short snatches, to spare time for your tireless meditation on the sacred Scriptures. We see the birds in your beard, and dirt caked under your nails; the thick callouses on your worldweathered feet. Your words have been precious to us — rarer than gold and sweeter than honey. We see how you care nothing for the ways of this world. You, Father, are the Alpha Sigma! Utterly unique, utterly yourself, the absolute paragon of authenticity!”

The old man stopped, and turned around — a wide grin on his weathered face, and a twinkle in his eye. Then he spoke to them, and said:

“The ascetic wrestles with the flesh. I wrestle with God. Don’t you see my limp?

The ascetic is a man of order and discipline. I am a man of chaos and disruption. I have come to set fire to the earth, and to turn all things upside down.

The ascetic lives a life of sacrifice. I live a life of indulgence. You think I am filled with the Holy Spirit? No, it is actually just new wine (though it is, indeed, only 10 in the morning).

The ascetic pours out his life in charity. I pour my life out in eros. I do only what delights me most deeply (but you see, what is most truly delightful has grasped hold of me).

And, of course, the wise man knows he knows nothing. I, on the other hand, know too much, and it’s driving me mad.

You seek to climb the ladder of success. But I tell you: that ladder is lying flat on the ground. You desire to master the art of living. But I tell you: life itself is the master, and we are apprentices fumbling in the dark. You chase after meaning like a dog chasing its tail. Stop, and you might find it’s been chasing you all along.

Your balance sheets are perfect, but your souls are in deficit. The interest compounds, and the debt collector comes at midnight. Your KPIs measure everything except the weight of your soul. How heavy is yours today? Your portfolios may be diversified, but your souls are bankrupt. You trade in futures, but have you considered the cosmic short sell of your existence?

Your strategic plans are written in disappearing ink on the palms of a juggler. You think you’re building empires, but you’re rearranging sand castles before the tide. You say you want to change the world. I say, let the world change you, and watch the universe tremble. You think you’re making history? History is making you, and the cosmic playwright is laughing at the irony.

You see, brothers, here is the problem. You think I love God. I do not love God. I hate him. I resent him. I myself nailed him to the Cross. I am above all men cursed. I am above all to be pitied. Love and hate are two sides of the same coin when it comes to the divine. My hatred for God is more intimate than your tepid love. In nailing Him to the Cross, I have embraced him more fully than your cautious worship ever could. My curse is my blessing, my pitiful state is my exaltation. In hating God, I have found a Belovedness beyond your comprehension.

You think that I love my neighbor. No, I can’t stand him. Why else do you think I spent those many years living in the wilderness? And lo, there is a place being prepared for me, where I can be alone at the heart of things.”

When he finished saying these things, he looked up. His eyes traced the cruel line of steel and glass to the 79th floor of a nearby office building, where a lone light flickered in a distant window.

Then his disciples looked at him. They looked at him, and then they looked at one another. Then, one by one, they went away sad. They had been hoping, each of them, the learn principles for better living, or some ancient wisdom that would bring them business success. But what Mossymonk86 offered them was a labyrinth from which there is no escape.

Mossymonk86 and the Fragmented Soul

From the cubicle on the 79th floor, where @Mossymonk86 resided, the world outside seemed distant, but its influence seeped through the walls, carried by the faint hum of the office around him. The walls of his cell were adorned with scrawled aphorisms, written in a hand that trembled with both conviction and uncertainty. Here, the anchorite contemplated the mysteries of existence, far above the frantic scramble below.

One day, a Seeker, burdened by the weight of the world’s labels, came to visit Mossymonk86. The Seeker was a soul divided, torn between identities that clamored for recognition yet felt fragmented in their pursuit of wholeness. She had spent years navigating the maze of societal expectations, trying to reconcile the multitude of identities thrust upon her by others and those she claimed as her own.

“Father,” she began, her voice hesitant, “I am many things—a woman, a daughter, an artist, and a voice for those who have none. Yet, I feel as though I am none of these things. My identities, which I once held dear, each precious to me in turn, now seem to confine me. I am fractured, splintered into pieces, each part of myself demanding to be heard, but none able to sing in harmony.”

Mossymonk86, his eyes soft with understanding, nodded. “Child, you are not alone in this struggle. The world is eager to divide us, to categorize and label, to fragment the self until we are but a cacophony of voices within our own soul. But take heart! It is in this very fragmentation that grace begins its quiet work.”

The Seeker, puzzled, asked, “But how can grace work in the midst of such brokenness? How can I find unity when I am so divided?”

The monk smiled, a gentle, knowing smile. “Identity, my dear one, is not a fixed thing. It is not merely the sum of our parts. It isn’t just a recitation of the labels we have, or the labels we’ve worn. It is an emergent reality, a dynamic and complex feature of our being. Just as a symphony is not merely a collection of notes, but a living, breathing whole, so too is your identity. It is integrative, narrative, and collective—a story that is ever-unfolding, ever-becoming.”

The Seeker pondered these words, her brow furrowed in thought. “But the world demands that I narrow my focus, and define myself in rigid terms. How can I reconcile the myriad parts of myself with the pressure to conform? With all the competing obligations and expectations that are heaped upon me?”

Mossymonk86 took a deep breath, as if drawing strength from the very air around him. “The world will always demand. It will tribalize, it will pit one identity against another, to create divisions where none should exist. But you, child: stay rooted a the deeper vision. Never forget how fully you are beloved. Enter into the discourse freely and joyfully, and do not be confined by it, but to break it open by the force of the freedom of your belovedness. And take what is fragmented — indeed, what you yourself break along the way! — and to offer it up to the One who makes all things whole.”

The Seeker’s eyes widened as she began to understand. “You speak of a unity that transcends the divisions imposed upon us.”

“Yes indeed,” the monk replied, his voice firm yet tender. “Not the divisions only, but the distinctions also. Our destiny is to be healed, united, and transfigured, all. Reconciliation is the end goal—the vision of a world where there is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female. A world where people of every nation, tribe, and tongue gather in harmonious ecstasy around what is True, Beautiful, and Good. In this vision, your identity is not erased, but fulfilled. It is not about denying the parts of yourself, but about seeing them as part of a greater whole—a whole that is found in the embrace of Christ.”

The Seeker, feeling a sense of deep peace descend upon her for the first time in years, asked, “But how do I live this out? How do I navigate a world that is so quick to judge, so eager to divide?”

Mossymonk86 gazed at her with a compassion that seemed to encompass the whole of creation. “Live with kindness and respect for all. Affirm what you can, forgive what you can’t, and always, always operate with love. Know that your identity is not something to be feared, but something to be embraced—an identity that is ever being made whole in the light of the Divine.”

Her heart lightened, the Seeker thanked the monk and prepared to leave. But before she departed, she asked one final question, “And what of those who reject this vision, who cling to their identities as weapons, dividing rather than uniting?”

Mossymonk86 sighed, a sigh holding both sorrow and hope. “There will always be those who reject what they do not understand. But remember this: even in their rejection, they are still beloved. And it is our task to love them, to pray for them, and to hold fast to the vision of reconciliation, even when the world seems intent on division. For in the end, it is not our identities that define us, but the love with which we live.”

The Seeker paused, her mind now wandering beyond her own interior struggles, considering the wider world. “But Father,” she asked, “how do we bring this vision into our communities, into our societies? How do we build a world where such reconciliation is not just a personal journey, but a shared reality?”

Mossymonk86 looked out the window, toward the city below, with its endless bustle and noise. “Child, the journey toward reconciliation begins within, but it necessarily flows outward. Consider the mustard seed, of which our Lord spoke. From growing itself of itself in its deep and indivisible unity with All That Is, it becomes a place where all the birds of the air make their nests. Our identities are not just personal truths; they are woven into the fabric of our families, our communities, and indeed, all of creation. Our task is to imagine a world as verdant as Eden’s garden, full of every kind of fruit bearing tree, each bearing fruit after its kind; where the flourishing of each contributes to the flourishing of all.”

“We cannot accomplish this work,” he continued: “it is in our nature in this fallen world to be at enmity with each other. Yet Christ has accomplished the unity of pitiable Adam, long subject to corruption and decay, for as we gather as redeemed sinners at the foot of the Cross, all that we are is both received and transcended. Standing on this ground, we can engage in the hard work of dialogue as a kind of play, listening to those who are different from us, and standing in solidarity with the marginalized: temporarily and partially embodying the love and delight that God has for them that is infinite and irrepressible. It also means engaging the powers and principalities that govern this darksome world; challenging systems of oppression that degrade and dehumanize dear image bearers of God, for whom Christ shed His most precious blood, and working toward the justice that will enable all to find their place in the world. The fragmentation you feel in your person is mirrored in our world, and the healing you seek within yourself is the same healing our world desperately needs.”

The Seeker nodded, understanding that her personal journey was part of a larger narrative. “So, our identities, though personal, are also political. They are tied to the structures and systems that shape our lives.”

“Exactly,” Mossymonk86 affirmed. “And in that lies both the challenge and the hope. As we groan toward our own wholeness, we grown also toward the wholeness of our communities, our societies, our world: and as best we are able, we work towards both. True reconciliation is not just an individual process, but a collective one. It is the hope of a world where love, justice, and peace reign supreme.”

And with that, the Seeker departed, the fissures of her soul glowing with a kindlier light, and beginning to see a faint glimmer of unity, not just within herself, but in the world around her. She left the monk’s cubicle with a renewed sense of purpose, ready to engage with the world in a way that was both deeply personal and profoundly social.

Mossymonk86 on the Path of Grace

For many years, @MossyMonk86 lived on the 79th floor of a towering office building, in a simple cubicle far above the noise of the city below. His life was one of quiet prayer and deep reflection, a far cry from the fast-paced world outside. Yet, word of his wisdom had spread, and even in the age of TikTok, seekers found their way to him. One such seeker was a social media influencer, eager to learn about grace and the good life.

Influencer: Father MossyMonk86, I’ve been so inspired by your words on grace. 🌟 You talk about a life that’s not just about endless striving, but about finding a deeper, more profound joy. I want to understand this for myself—and for everyone who follows me. How can we truly live in this grace? 🙏✨ #Grace #ProfoundJoy #LiveInGrace

MossyMonk86: Child, grace is the heart of the good life. It’s not about climbing ladders or proving worth, but about resting in the truth that you are already loved—deeply, profoundly, without condition. God sees you. God knows you. God forgives you. God loves you. The love that God extends to us in Christ isn’t something we earn; it’s something we receive.

Influencer: But hey, isn’t it crucial to hustle hard, aim for greatness, and live a life that’s not just good, but truly righteous? 💪✨ Let’s keep pushing ourselves to be the best we can be and stay on the right path! 🙌 #WorkHard #LiveRight #StriveForBetter

MossyMonk86: The world teaches you to strive, to hustle for what you want. But in Christ, we learn something different. The way of Christ is one of joy and delight, not of burden and fear. Remember how He lived—eating and drinking with those the world rejected. His way is not about avoiding sin through fear but about living in the freedom that His love has already covered you.

Influencer: So, you’re saying we should focus on Christ’s love instead of just our own efforts? 🌟 It’s about letting His love guide us and finding peace in His grace, rather than constantly striving on our own?🙏✨

MossyMonk86: Exactly. The moment we try to earn what’s already freely given, we miss the point. Our efforts are not the root of our relationship with God; they are the fruit of living in Gospel astonishment: being utterly awestruck at how His grace already freely surrounds and suffuses us. When you grasp that you are beloved — or rather, when you awaken to the fact that you are already absolutely and irrevocably grasped by that love — your life begins to reflect that truth naturally — without striving, without fear. This is the path of joy, where the burden is light, and the yoke is easy.

Influencer: So, how do we handle our mistakes and sins? How can we make things right? 🫂

MossyMonk86: We acknowledge our sins, yes, but not with a heart of fear. Jesus died for our sins, and it worked. God in Christ Jesus is reconciling all things to Himself, not counting our sins against us. That great work on the Cross is the great reconciliation, making whole what was broken. Our repentance is not about discipline or self-punishment, but about turning back to the one who has already paid the price. It’s about coming home, not proving you’re worthy to be there.

Influencer: Wow, this is such a shift from what I’ve always believed! I’ve always thought I had to earn my place and make up for my mistakes. 🌟 #NewPerspective #GraceOverWorks #MindsetShift

MossyMonk86: Many have been taught that way, child, both in so many words, and because of the pressure to live up to some standards imposed on you by yourself or the world. But the truth is simpler and more beautiful. Christ’s love is not conditional on your performance. It’s given freely, without an asterisk. Your task is to rest in that love, to let it shape you, and to live from the security of knowing you are already beloved.

The influencer nodded, feeling a deep sense of relief wash over them.

Influencer: So, what should I tell my 600K followers? 📷

MossyMonk86: Tell them to rest. Tell them that they have been set free to delight in things that are delightful for the sheer delight of it, because God delights in them. Tell them that God not only loves them, but that he actually kind of likes them, and wants to hang out with them while they do their thing. Tell them that the good life is not found in chasing after perfection but in receiving the perfect love of Christ. Teach them that grace is the freedom to become who we are truly meant to be — beloved children of God — and that is who we already are. And remind them that joy is the hallmark of this life: not fear, not striving, but the joy of being fully known and fully loved.

Influencer: OMG, thank you so much, Father! I totally get it now! 🙏✨ Peace!

MossyMonk86: Go in peace, child, and live in the freedom of grace. And when you speak to others, let your words be a reflection of that freedom—a reminder that in Christ, all are welcome, all are loved, and all are invited to the feast.

The 33 Chapters on Gospel Asceticism of @MossyMonk86

It is said that, besides residing in the bowels of the internet (where they hiddenly craft cathedrals for the metaverse), @MossyMonk86 spends their days in the wild and rugged wood, imparting arcane liturgical knowledge to the Sesquac, that they may impart this knowledge to the strange tribes of the future, long after civilizational collapse.

1. The root and heart of Christian asceticism is the asceticism of Christ.

2. The asceticism of Christ is an asceticism of delight, for “the Son of Man came eating and drinking,” as it is written. (Matthew 11:19)